
Colsen offers services in different branches. In all those branches we are active in consultancy, project realisation and research & development.

Read more about Colsen as a partner here.

4 services
Amfer leidingen


In certain waste and wastewater flows, high quantities of nitrogen occur in the form of ammonium, such as in digestate or centrate produced by a di

Digestaatbehandeling Navia

Digestate treatment

After the digestion of manure and agricultural products, a residual fraction remains, called digestate.


Chicken manure treatment

There’s a range of known complications when it comes to digesting chicken manure, from overly dry manure, grit contamination to excess nitroge

Mestvergisting Navia

Manure treatment

Whether the aim is drainable water, maximum phosphate removal or nitrogen recovery for fertilisers; manure digestion is always the first step.