Colsen as partner

Colsen offers different forms of cooperation:

  1. As Consultant we support in the various phases of a project. This often happens in a construction team where you continue to manage the realization of the project. Colsen performs certain tasks such as engineering, management or start-up.
  2. As supplier we supply installations as part of a project or provide you with the necessary seeding material for the start-up of your installation.
  3. As main contractor we unburden you by offering a design & construct or turn key solution. In these cases, Colsen takes responsibility for the quality, planning and costs of the project. Together with its partners, Colsen can also offer a complete unburdening (DBFO) whereby the financing and operation are carried out by our partner for a predetermined amount.
Medewerkers Colsen in overleg

Working method

We advise on economic matters and technological aspects, but also on safety. Do you have a project? Then we set up project teams where the required expertise of your organization and our expertise work together. Where possible, we work with a fixed step-by-step plan that consists of making an inventory of the problem or question, drawing up a plan of approach with intended results and performing the tasks to achieve the intended result. Experience has shown that, regardless of your question or problem, we can achieve results quickly in this way. Prefer a different method? Then we are happy to adjust.


Together we make an inventory of the local situation and the question or problem. After determining the route to be followed, we ensure:

  • The necessary investigations and adjustments in production
  • The preparation of the required designs and specifications for the construction work
  • Drawing up and submitting the required permits / files
  • Supporting subsidy applications
  • Supervising the construction
  • Starting up the installations
  • Training of operational personnel

We support and participate in the realization of the projects throughout the project and in the individual components.


  • Performing feasibility studies;
  • Performing due diligence investigation;
  • Drawing up a master plan for your location.

Technical / technological:

  • Performing literature studies;
  • Performing laboratory analyses and tests in our own lab;
  • Conducting pilot research with our own pilot installations;
  • Technological (start-up) guidance on location and remote control of your installation;
  • Troubleshooting in the event of an emergency on your installation, both technological and organizational;
  • Preparation and implementation of the renovation of your technical installations;
  • Management and maintenance of your installation (through our partners).


  • Preparation of SHE plans and TRA;
  • Performing HAZOP studies;
  • Preparation of ATEX documentation;
  • Performing technical service inspections
LVM Oosterbierum

Supply of materials

We also supply (parts of) installations, for example to replace or expand your installation. We take care of the preparation, integration and operational delivery of the (components) of the installation. Examples of these deliveries are, mixing systems for digesters (DigestMix®) or biological desulphurization units (Bidox®) for cleaning biogas. In addition to supplying various (parts) of your installation, we also provide you with the necessary seeding material for starting up your installation.

We supply the following seeding materials:

  • Aerobic sludge;
  • Anammox sludge;
  • Anaerobic granular sludge;
  • Thermophilic sludge.

Would you like to know more?
Ask Boris

Boris Colsen, Managing Director