Masterplan existing wastewater treatment system - Cargill

Cargill Benelux B.V.
Sas van Gent, The Netherlands

Total potential savings: €350,000 per year


Anaerobic water treatment
Nitrogen removal
Water reuse
Biogas treatment

Since Cargill’s water treatment system in Sas van Gent was built in 1988-1989, Colsen has been involved in making sure the treatment system continues to function properly, frequently providing advice and recommendations on how to expand or modify the system. The water treatment system treats water from the plant, where corn and wheat are processed into starch, protein, glucose and alcohol.

Since the treatment was first built, the plant has been expanded several times, processing more wastewater than was initially expected. Further expansion is expected in the future, raising the question of whether the current treatment system can cope with any more wastewater, or whether expansions would be necessary. To help Cargill find a solution, we identified bottlenecks impeding the proper functioning of the current treatment system and made several recommendations. These were translated into a range of concrete measures, such as the redesign of the biogas system (including new UASBs, a biogas buffer and torches, readying the plant for 2029, the renovation and repair of the post-sedimentation tank, various technical inspections of system components and updating the biogas blowers in one of the anaerobic reactors, as well as making them redundant.


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Ask Boris

Boris Colsen, Managing Director